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tiananmen squaretiananmen square is in beijing.天安门广场在北京.

we will go to tiananmen by bicycle tomorrow.明天我们骑车去天安门.


天安门和北京的每一处古 城垣一样,无不在历史的长河中烙下深深的印记.北京,唐为幽州,辽为燕京,金代为中都城,元代改为大都,明、清称北京.在中国数千年的文明发展史上,先后有燕、前燕、大燕、辽、金、元、明、清八个朝代以北京为都城.各个朝代在北京大兴土木,建造了各具特色的古建筑.



tiananmen square is a very splendid and magnificent place that i have been dreaming of visiting. today i have been here to watch the flag being raised and i am very excited


1.the square is a great tourist attraction in china,there always very crowed,on the day of the festival there was much activity there,it is also the emblem of china.

2.diplomatic activities.twelve marble posts are infront of the hall which has three parts--the central hall, the great auditorium and a banqueting hall.the floor of the central hall is paved with marble and crystal lamps hang from the ceiling. the great auditorium behind the central hall seats 10,000. the banqueting hall is a huge hall with 5,000 seats.

3.the tiananmen square lies at the cross-section between the central axis of beijing. when it was first built in the 15th year of yongle , it was called chengtian gate. it was twice destroyed in the ming dynasty, once by lightening, once by war. in 1651, or the 8th year of emperor shunzhi's reign in the qing dynasty, the emperor named fulin had it rebuilt on a large scale and changed its name to tiananmen. imposing and magnificent, it stands out among ancient city gates in china.

i was happy to visit tiananmen square yesterday, it's clean and big


tiananmen square is one of the largest city squares in the world. it is located in the heart of beijing. tiananmen was built in 1417 and was the entrance gate to the forbidden city. now the square stretches 880 meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west. the total area is 440,000 square meters. thats about the size of 60 soccer fields, spacious enough to accommodate half a million people.

